Good Hope Baptist Church 

Becoming a member of Good Hope is an expression of the fact that you have identified yourself with Christ in the same way that Jesus’ disciples were identified with Him during his ministry. This is the way that early Christians joined their lives together in a way that distinguished them in the communities of their day.

Membership at Good Hope is not about rights and privileges and does not confer any automatic favor from God or guarantee eternal life with Him. Rather. Membership publicly affirms you intend to follow Christ together with the other members, bringing every aspect of our individual lives into alignment with His unique purposes for us.

The following commitments are criteria for membership at Good Hope:

  • Understand and accept the sacrifice Christ made to bring us into a right relationship with the God who loves us
  • Affirm a common understanding of the basic Biblical principles of the Christian faith, as articulated in the Good Hope Statement of Faith
  • Commit to conduct one’s life as a follower of Christ in a way that honors Him in everything that we do and contributes to a spirit of unity and love at Good Hope
  • Demonstrated obedience to Christ

Responsibilities of Membership in Good Hope Church:

  • Cultivate a vital, growing relationship with God. A distinguishing characteristic of the people who are following Christ is their strong desire to know Him more fully and to reflect His image and character in every aspect of their lives. 
  • Help to build up the “Body of Christ.” The Bible compares the church to a human body, with each part having its own uniquely important function. Likewise, for a local church to be healthy, it is vital that individuals discover and actively exercise their unique gifts and abilities for the benefit of other believers.
  • Relate to each other and those outside the church as servants of Christ. Our relationships should reflect the character of Christ in love, humility and a desire to put the interest of others ahead of our own. Members must avoid lifestyles, attitudes and actions which would bring reproach on the name of Christ and His church.

Becoming a Member

Complete the membership questionnaire and arrange time to meet with the pastor, an elder, a deacon, and/or another Good Hope member, so we can get to know you better and hear about how you became a follower of Jesus. It is also an opportunity for us to answer any questions you may have about the church and membership. The process of becoming a member at Good Hope includes a “Discovery” class or one-on-one meetings to give potential members an understanding of what we as a church believe, the purposes of Good Hope, the responsibilities of members, and the opportunity to explore the various ways you can serve within the church.

Other Relevant Information

When you speak with the pastor, elder, deacon or other member, they can provide you with a copy or link to:
  • The Good Hope Church Constitution and By-laws
  • Good Hope Church "What We Believe"
  • Baptist Faith and Message (2000 version)